Clash Game Bot v4.2.3 Modded With Full Complete List

Clash Game Bot v4.2.3 Modded With Full Complete List
Download Clash Game Bot 4.2 Modded With Full Complete List new selamat malam pemirsa gimana kabarnya,,,, pada kali ini saya akan berbagi game bot clash of clan versi terbaru yaitu Clash Game Bot 4.2.3 update Novermber 2015.buat sobat yang bermain game clash of clans harus mencoba bot v4.2.3 dibawah langsung saja.. namun terlebih dahulu install bahan bahannya dibawah

sebelum mengunakan Clash Game Bot v4.2.3 lihat persyaratannya:
Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / Vista
Works on Windows 10 but you may run in to issues!
INSTALL these files BEFORE installing the new bot!
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) (DOWNLOAD)
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 (DOWNLOAD)
BlueStacks App Player ROOTED (DOWNLOAD) (Highly Recommended! Normal bluestacks works fine but has ads)

What's New in Version 4.2.3 (See full changelog)
Improve Smart Attack 4 sides, some times was reported 3 sides deploy instead of 4, prevent some troops to drop on red line
Prevent some error on Smart Attack
GUI stats alignment for negative Trophy count
Fix Double counting of Out of Sync (OoS) errors on GUI stats
Fix the Color and position for Train Button
Fix the Donate All function
Fix the Locate Barracks when one barrack is Upgrading
Fix the Spells creation , reset the variables and Stop/Start Bot
Minor GUI glitch, redline near Mine checkbox contained a text, now it is blank
Fix some spelling setlogs
Force random to put integer values in Attack algorithm
Fix the Armycamp size error because the Chat is Open
Improve the Train System , now goes from Left to Right ArmyOverView window to Dark Spell Factory.

screen Soot:

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7 Responses to "Clash Game Bot v4.2.3 Modded With Full Complete List"

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