ClashBot Version 7.8.2 Premiu VIP Full Version

Free Download Clash Game Bot Version 7.8.2 Modded With Full Complete List-selamat siang para pecinta game clash of clans pada kali ini admin akan berbagi Clash game Bot versi7.8.2 VIP Full Version yang tentunya banyak sekali fitur bagus untuk bermain game clash of clasn. clashbot versi 7.8.2 Anti-Ban Hours of Operation telah final. buat sobat yang ingin memiliki clashbot ClashBot 7.8.2 Crack finall update bisa download disini ukurannya hanya 2 mb.banyak sekali fitur dari ClashBot versi 7.8.2 VIP Premium Exclusive langsung saja lihat fiturnya dibawah

Clashbot 7.8.2 VIP Version Premium :
ClashBot menggunakan emulator BlueStacks Android untuk bermain Clash of Clans langsung dari komputer Anda. Memanfaatkan algoritma pengenalan gambar canggih kami dapat mendeteksi Clash of Clans benda dan menerapkan algoritma dan metode khusus untuk setiap tugas yang harus diselesaikan. Hasil akhirnya adalah Clash of Clans bot indah yang memiliki puluhan pilihan kustomisasi.

Essential software:
Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / Vista
Works on Windows 10 but you may run in to issues!
INSTALL these files BEFORE installing the new bot!
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 
BlueStacks App Player ROOTED ) (Highly Recommended! Normal bluestacks works fine but has ads)
Latest Version of Clash Game Bot (DOWNLOAD)
New Version Clashbot Free Edition

Release 7.8.2 Contains:
Fixed bot attacking incorrectly
Fixed auto-wall upgrading amount
Release 7.8.1 Contains:
Added Hours of operation to Misc Tab
Added Return home every x bases to Misc Tab
Added Preferred resolution for when you exit the bot to Misc tab
Added option to keep x builders free to Buildings/Upgrades tab
Custom check for clan donation request timeout on Clan tab
Better TH7 and TH8 town hall detection
Bot ends battle faster after earning a star when Trophy Pushing
Trophy Push mode now only displays relevant information (not resources) in log
Troop training button is only held in until barracks is full
Added definitions for Hidden Tesla
Improved wall definitions
Remove debug view of upgrade button
Double check wall level/price before performing upgrade (thanks to TheM3ch@nic)
Bot only waits 5 seconds for match now
Reading number improvements (should help building upgrades)
Improved town hall definitions (less false positives, better left/right performance)
When trophy push is active, heroes are always activated just before ending battle to regain health
Donation improved so bot doesn't miss donate buttons
Do not check for defense levels if base doesn't meet loot requirements
Version number system changed; should now display correctly in title bar and log
Fixed exception during barracks training phase
Fixed clicking on certain wall pieces
Fixed bug where game would get itself stuck in Matchmaking (thanks dirtydog)
Fixed minor bug that could cause bot to get hung up at Matchmaking screen
Fixed potential bug when zooming out
Fixed infinite tries on donate button when conditions aren't met (thanks to Itz_FrOs)
Fixed game hook timing issue
Fixed detection of 'Please rate our app'
Fixed detection of dark barracks
Fixed town hall detection on the left and right side of the screen
Fixed bug where Hours of Operation would stop bot even when it wasn't checked
Training units should never spend gems now

Cara Menggunakan :
Download Clashbot 7.8.2
Buka Exclusive_Loader dan Clashbot.exe
Login Akun ClashBot kalian 
Sreen Shoot;

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