Effective Ways To Copy Protected Web Articles | Successful Forever 2024

(240x240)HillHigh Allow Copy Paste.png     Effective Ways To Copy Protected Web Articles | Successful Forever 2024-Hello everybody!:>) in this moment i want to transtale about  How To Copy Web Pages That Can't Be Copied on the last articles. Before we use the effiective ways, we can use the simple option to copy the website articles, this is the way::)

Google Chrome 
  1. Click button on right top.
  2. Click "Options",
  3. Click "Under the Hood"
  4. On section "Privacy" Click "Content settings",
  5. On section "JavaScript" click option box "Do not allow any site to run JavaScript"
Mozilla Firefox
  1. Click tool
  2. Click option
  3. Click content
  4. Remove the checked on checkbox enable javascript
 Newest Mozilla Firefox
  1. Insert "about:config" on addressbar
  2. Click button "I'll be carefull. I Promise"
  3. on search bar, find "javascript.enabled"
  4. to enable or disable javascript do dou\ble-click on the list.
     After I use these simple option and it works!(o) But,this is only work with the website that use the old protection mode only, and actually this option is not fully worked agan;((.
    Before i know the secret, I have know tha Microsoft Office Word can open the website that we have save it on our computer.8-) With these knowledge, I can copy the website articles without enable web browser javascript (this function is forever worked, because microsoft office did not use javascript to launch their programs. WOOOW! thanks Microsoft™!), Now, lets start to copy someone protected articles::d
  1. Open a website that the articles can not be copied, or choose theese examples:
    1. www.dedeyahya.web.id
    2. sowanlor.blogspot.com
    For practice we use the website number one. The second website you can do it yourself.:-d
  2. After that, Save the website, with steps:
    For Google Chrome:
    1. Click on right top google chrome until the menu came out, select "Save page as..."=p~
    (1280x945)Save Page As Google Chrome.jpg
    klik gambar untuk memperbesar

    2. Save the website. Should be stored on the desktop so that easy, after that "Save as type" set to "Web Page, Complete" -> Click Save, like this screenshoot;b-(
    (664x545)Save Page As Gogle Chrome.jpg
    Click the picture to get the biggest resolution
    For Mozilla Firefox (Old or Newest):
    1. Save the websites
    with combination button "ctrl+S" on keyboard
    2. The second way is same with google chrome
  3. Open the directory that include the save file of the website. Previously we save on the desktop, so we open desktop -> Select the website file, Do not open the file! Actually the file is a blank paper with the web browser icon on the center, example: firefox.8-)
  4. Right-click that file -> Click Edit, like these screenshoot;:-)
    (623x660)Open File as Web Browser.jpg
    Click the picture to get the biggest resolution

  5. After that it will open Microsoft Office Word windows like these screenshoot. Find the articles the we will copy -> Finish:-d
    Cara Efektif Copy Artikel Web Blog yang Tidak Bisa Dicopy | Berhasil Selamanya
    Click the picture to get the biggest resolution
To be sure, let's see who the original website;
Cara Efektif Copy Artikel Web Blog yang Tidak Bisa Dicopy | Berhasil Selamanya
Click the picture to get the biggest resolution

How? No different, right?:) with this we can be copying the entire article on the web without turning off javascript.
     Oke! Thats about aour article about Effective Ways To Copy Web Pages That Can't Be Copied | Successful Forever.:) I hope you understand with my tutorials, and hopefully you can copy all of website articles that you want. If you did't understand about this articles, you can insert a comments in the comments field below. We will anser your questions within 2x24 hours and quickly on thet time,:-d or you can contact us on "Contact Us" menu on the top of this blog. Please see other related articles below, Thanks for read and wallasamu'alaikum.(p)

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